When you run ID-Tasker for the first time – you’ll see a warning from your AntiVirus software about potential threat – it is a 100% false-positive – there is no virus in this tool – it’s just because AntiVirus programs can’t fully check EXE files so they only check “header” of the EXE file and report it as a potential threat.
You can upload ID-Tasker to any online AV checker to confirm that there is no threat – for example https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload.
After you download ID-Tasker – please unZIP it to some folder on your drive – “C:\ID-Tasker\” or something like that – but please don’t place it in the Scripts Panel “inside” InDesign.
When you run it, the best case scenario – you’ll be greeted with a message like this:
And after a minute or so:
Please add ID-Tasker – or the whole folder where you’ve saved ID-Tasker – to the “white list” of your Anti Virus software:
Worst case scenario – numbers will be most likely different:
In that case – you’ll have to check what AntiVirus, AntiMalware, Microsoft Defender, etc. software you have installed in your system – and add ID-Tasker to the “white list”.
You also might need to either TURN OFF DEP (Data Execution Prevention) or add ID-Tasker to exceptions:
In order to get to DEP:
- Open the Control Panel.
- Click System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings.
- On the Advanced tab, next to the Performance heading, click Settings.
- Click the Data Execution Prevention tab.
- Select Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.
- Click OK and then restart your system to enable the change.
You can also be blocked from installing ID-Tasker if you work in a corporate environment – that’s because your I.T. department most likely blocked you from running / installing EXE files from unknown sources, which is perfectly reasonable precaution, put in place to prevent your organisation getting infected with malicious software – you need to contact your I.T. department and ask them to install it for you.
After you successfully complete above steps – most likely, you’ll be greeted by Can’t connect to InDesign message.
In order to use ID-Tasker – InDesign needs to be registered in the system – unfortunately, Adobe Instalator can’t do this on its own.
Right now, registration process has been integreated into ID-Tasker so there are only minimal steps that you need to perform.
Step 1 – Please make sure InDesign is closed.
Step 2 – Please run ID-Tasker “as Administrator” – please click right mouse button on the EXE file and from the context menu please select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR:
If you haven’t performed earlier steps correctly – you will see warning like this – from your AntiVirus software – and you might need to repeat those steps:
Please let it finish and “accept” it as a false-positive – let it to be executed.
After a while, InDesign will start and you’ll see a message:
It’s a standard message – just in case someone run ID-Tasker without Administrator priviledges.
After you click OK – please CLOSE InDesign.
Step 3 – Please run ID-Tasker again – this time WITHOUT Administator priviledges.
You should see a message:
and ID-Tsker will start:
You can close it now, open your document in the InDesign and run ID-Tasker again.
If you still see “Can’t connect to InDesign” message – please run ID-Tasker and InDesign in administrator mode – only once – so they can “see each other”.
If for some reason, you can’t complete the above registration steps – please go through the steps listed below:
If you still have problems – please get in touch.