When you run ID-Tasker for the first time – you’ll see a warning from your AntiVirus software about potential threat – it is a 100% false-positive – there is no virus in this tool – it’s just because AntiVirus programs can’t fully check EXE files so they only check “header” of the EXE file and report it as a potential threat.

You can upload ID-Tasker to any online AV checker to confirm that there is no threat – for example https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload.

After you download ID-Tasker – please unZIP it to some folder on your drive – “C:\ID-Tasker\” or something like that – but please don’t place it in the Scripts Panel “inside” InDesign.

When you run it, the best case scenario – you’ll be greeted with a message like this:

And after a minute or so:

Please add ID-Tasker – or the whole folder where you’ve saved ID-Tasker – to the “white list” of your Anti Virus software:

Worst case scenario – numbers will be most likely different:

In that case – you’ll have to check what AntiVirus, AntiMalware, Microsoft Defender, etc. software you have installed in your system – and add ID-Tasker to the “white list”.

You also might need to either TURN OFF DEP (Data Execution Prevention) or add ID-Tasker to exceptions:

In order to get to DEP:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings.
  3. On the Advanced tab, next to the Performance heading, click Settings.
  4. Click the Data Execution Prevention tab.
  5. Select Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.
  6. Click OK and then restart your system to enable the change.

You can also be blocked from installing ID-Tasker if you work in a corporate environment – that’s because your I.T. department most likely blocked you from running / installing EXE files from unknown sources, which is perfectly reasonable precaution, put in place to prevent your organisation getting infected with malicious software – you need to contact your I.T. department and ask them to install it for you.

After you successfully complete above steps – most likely, you’ll be greeted by Can’t connect to InDesign message.

In order to use ID-Tasker – InDesign needs to be registered in the system – unfortunately, Adobe Instalator can’t do this on its own.

Right now, registration process has been integreated into ID-Tasker so there are only minimal steps that you need to perform.

Step 1 – Please make sure InDesign is closed.

Step 2 – Please run ID-Tasker “as Administrator” – please click right mouse button on the EXE file and from the context menu please select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR:

If you haven’t performed earlier steps correctly – you will see warning like this – from your AntiVirus software – and you might need to repeat those steps:

Please let it finish and “accept” it as a false-positive – let it to be executed.

After a while, InDesign will start and you’ll see a message:

It’s a standard message – just in case someone run ID-Tasker without Administrator priviledges.

After you click OK – please CLOSE InDesign.

Step 3 – Please run ID-Tasker again – this time WITHOUT Administator priviledges.

You should see a message:

and ID-Tsker will start:

You can close it now, open your document in the InDesign and run ID-Tasker again.

If you still see “Can’t connect to InDesign” message – please run ID-Tasker and InDesign in administrator mode – only once – so they can “see each other”.

If for some reason, you can’t complete the above registration steps – please go through the steps listed below:

If you still have problems – please get in touch.